Friday, December 16, 2011


Dear Mama,

One word that I'd describe you as- passionate. You might think that you are way too much in your head to let yourselves get carried away with things, but it's beyond that. It's how when conveying your truth, or explaining something you love to someone, you take it the extra mile. Lot's of words and exaggerative hand gestures that make for hours longer of the conversation that probably wasn't necessary, but in your mind very much was in order to correctly portray your topic.

It's how when picking a type of cheese for a party, each selection has it's own background story and it's own things to consider. How we will stand there until you realize that we aren't choosing what kind of house we want to move to, nor how we want to spend the rest of it, but that what the impossibly undeciding matter we are standing in the middle of the Trader Joes produce section we are so intently enthralled in is what kind of cheese we want. And in one split seconds, when you realize this the words "But it doesn't really matter, I mean whatever. You choose, I don't care." slip out of your mouth as you walk off in the direction of where I am guessing something is. We usually end up getting both kinds.

But most of all, it's how much you love and believe in me. Someone that gets herself all worked up over problems that aren't even hers- someone that physically feels hurt when she sees me cry. Someone that despite her upbringing, converted a whole lot of anger and frustration into sheer love and adoration for her tiny little life she held in her hands.

You give a whole new meaning to the word "unconditional." You don't limit yourself to the boundaries of what others have explored- you challenge it. You sit on the very edge, with your feet dangling over the other side playfully swinging back and forth. You refuse to settle for anything less than justified and excellent and you'll defend anything contrary. As you might now feel like you don't have much fight left in you, or that you really are not to that extent of the word passionate, but you are. You do let your head get in the way of standing in the middle of  the produce section at Trader Joe's or going on for hours and hours on end about something you love. By filtering these possibilities out of your head, it keeps you put together enough to come off to everyone else as composed. If they only new....

But the only thing that you don't temper with your mind is your passion for me. And that shines through in every way possible. It's the most beautiful thing about you. The lightness you exude, it's my very favorite thing about you. Your passion makes me smile every time it peeks out.

Written with passion,

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