Wednesday, December 7, 2011

From: Mitzi


From the first time we talked on the phone, I recognized that you are someone special.  Then we met in person and I knew I wanted to work with you.  The more I get to know you, the more I admire who you are.  You commitment, determination and dedication to achieve meaningful success in your life is commendable.  Your personality; gentle yet persistent, calm yet energetic, and always positive; touches all who come in contact with you.  The courage you displayed when moving to California with the most treasured part of your life, Alexis, amazes me.  To start a new life that hopefully holds to the values you hold dear, and not knowing positively, takes a great deal of courage and faith.  You ran, (or drove) to the unknown and I hope that all you desire will be achieved in yours and Alexis’s life.

I’m blessed to have met you, and am grateful and humbled to call you family and friend.


1 comment:

  1. Mitzi

    In such a short period of time you have become my friend, my boss, my family. From taking us to family in Folsom for Thanksgiving to making our Christmas evening more festive in your own home, you've been so gracious in welcoming Alexis and me to CA. I too, knew in that first phone conversation that you represented the kind of "people" that I wanted to expand into. You've not only been the catalyst in helping our dreams come true, but you've been an amazing compass along our way. The love, acceptance and compassion that you hold for every person you encounter exudes the type of individual I strive to be. Thank you for bringing me home in so many ways...I'm forever grateful.
